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Work Distribution

SL. No. Name Designation Telephone No Work Allocated Report To Link Officer
1 Ms. Seema Gupta Director (PW) 23350012(O)

1. US (MK)
2. Admin.I
3. Coord
4. US (Rajesh Kumar)

2 Ms. Sujasha Choudhury Director (P) 24635979 (O)

a) Desk-D
b) Desk-E
c) Desk-F

JS (Pension)
3 Sh. S.K.Makkar Under Secretary. Desk – "A" 24644634(O)

a) All matters relating to 6th Central Pay Commission/ 7th CPC, etc(except committee work)
b) All pension policy matters excluding those allocated to other Desks.
c) Pension Act 1871.
d) Court cases
e) work related to 7th CPC

4 Sh. Ashok Kumar Singh Under Secretary (Admin. I) 24644631

a) Admin-I including attendance,immovable property returns, Medical claims, APAR & Leave etc.
b) All establishment related matters.
c) Vigilance matters
d)Training matters
e) Outsourcing of staff (estimates, tenders, LOA etc.) other than billing.
f) e-Office
g) Pension matters of staff & Officers.
h) Monthly DO to DoPT.
i) Dak Receipt & Diarizing in e-Office
j) Hindi(OL)/Misc.

Dir (PW)
5 Sh. Subhash Chander Under Secretary 24655523

a) Admn.II
b) Budget
c) Cash

6 Shri Sidheshwar Chakrabarti Under Secretary Desk– "B" 24635754(O)

a) All aspect relating to qualifying service.
b) Counting of past service/resignation/break in service/addition to qualifying service in special circumstances.
c) Issues relating to mobility of Government servants from one Department to another Dept and State Govts/UTs & vice-versa.
d) PFRDA Matters.
e) Ex-Burma/Ex-Goa/Pondichéry Pensioners.
f) All matters relating to Retirement gratuity
g) National Pension Scheme

DS (PP )
7 Sh. Sanjoy Shankar Under Secretary Desk – "E" 246446321 (O)

a) All aspects of Family Pension under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.
b) Ex-gratia to CPF retirees/families.
c) Jeevan Pramaan and DLC including Coordination with Banks
d) Aadhaar Seeding
e) Payment of arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules.
f) Pensioners' Adalat

Dir (P)
8 Sh Charanjit Taneja Under Secretary Desk – "D" 24644637(O)

a) Commutation of Pension Rules
b) Dearness Relief.
c) Cabinet notes under Rule 37A including references
d) Resolutions and demands received from pensioners’ associations
e) Absorption of Central Govt. employees in Autonomous Bodies/PSUs including reciprocal arrangement with state Government
f) Grant of exemption from the Rule of immediate absorption in Autonomous Bodies for filling up posts by deputation
g) Matters relating to conversion of Govt. Deptts. into PSU/Autonomous Bodies.
i) Matters pertaining to Issue of Pensioners' Card
j) Reference under CGHS issues
k) Fixed Medical Allowance
l) Health Insurance Scheme

Dir (P)
9 Shri Manoj Kumar Under Secretary

a) Sankalp
b) Bhavishya
c) Issue of revised PPOs, payment of pension through banks etc. except digital life certificate and Aadhar seeding.
d) Pensioners' Portal
e) RTI
f) All coordination work related to Parliament questions.
g) Handling of critical Pensioners' grievances, specially assigned the department for follow-up
h) Media Handling

Dir (PW)
10 Ms. Pushplata Asstt. Director (OL)

All work pertaining to Hindi translation and Official language.

US (Coord)
11 Sh. T.C. Varghese Under Secretary 24623107 (O)

A) All matters relating to Extra ordinary pension, other than qualifying service, Retirement/ Retirement benefits for Constitutional and Statutory Authorities. EOP Rules and liberalized Pension Awards, Ex - gratia pension. Census/Database of
C) Census/Database of Pensioners.

Dir (P)
12 Smt. Kiran Batra Section Officer (Cash) & DDO

a) Drawing Disbursing Officer ( DDO)
b) All work relating to coordination of budget and its preparation
c) Audit of the Department including dealing of all audit observations.
d) Income tax calculations & issue of Form-16.
e) Bill related work pertaining to all sanctions.
f) Quarterly returns to IT department including coordination.
g) Other miscellaneous work as given by US (AdmII)/HOO.

US (Adm .II ) & HOO
13 Vacant Section Officer (Admn.I)

a) All work relating to establishment matters viz. filling up of posts, pay fixation, MACP cases, Immovable roperty Return, etc.
b) Vigilance matters.
c) e-Service Book,
d) Pension matters of Staff/officers.
e) Training matters of Staff & Officers
f) Custody & record of passports.
g) Engagement of D.E.O./Consltant through outsourcing.
h) Updating of Probit Portal.
i) Duty list of staff & officers.
j) Other Misc. work as given by US(Admn.I)/HOO.

US (Admn. I )
14 Shri Rajesh Kumar Under Secretary 23350065

a) Grants-in-aid, Audit Paras, Identification of Pensioners' Associations & Coordination of activities with Pensioners' Associations
c) Monthly DO to Cabinet Secretariat
d) Pension Procedures under CCS (Pension) Rules & Simplification of Forms

Dir (PW)
15 Shri Dhananjay Prasad Singh Section Officer (Coord)

All work relating to Coor dination,
b) Cabinet Notes.
c) Monthly DO letter to Cabinet Secretariat.
d) Minutes of senior officers' meeting
e) Annual Report
f) e-Samiksha.
g) Hindi (OL)/Misc.
h) All coordination work other than Parliamentary Quentions.
i) Marking of references received from different Ministries/Department, General Public, Pensions to concerned divisions, desks, sections
j) All coordination work related to Parliamentary questions.

US (Coord)
16 Shri Akhlesh Mann Assistant Section Officer (Desk-E/RTI) Additional Charge

Marking of references from different Miniseries/Department to concerned divisions. All work relating to RTI application of D/o Pension & PW and also receiving of RTI application of DOP&T establishment of Lok Nayak Bhawan. Other misc. work as given by US(Desk E).

US (Desk E)
17 Shri Prashant Gupta Section Officer (Desk-A)

Attached with Desk A, w.r.t. Court cases.

US ( Desk - A )
18 Dr. Om Prakash Dwivedi Senior Hindi Translator

a) All work pertaining to Hindi translation and Official Language
b) other misc. work as given by US(Coord).

Assistant Director (OL)
19 Shri Anand Kumar Jaiswal Assistant Section Officer

a) All work pertaining to outsourced staff w.r.t. bill processing & day-to-day coordination with the agency.
b) work relating to sanction of all advances like Medical, HBA, Scooter/Car Advances, TA/LTC, computer advances
c) Reimbursement of medical bills/Children Education allowances, including misc. reimbursement cases, Newspaper bills, Brief-case
d) Issue of CGHS Card etc.
e) Other misc. work as given by US(Admn.I).

SO(Admn. I )
20 Shri Mahender Singh Assistant Section Officer

a) All work pertaining to outsourced staff viz. estimate sanction, tendering process, engagement of D.E.O./Consultant through outsourcing.
b) Pension matters of Staff/Officers.
c) All matters relating annual increment, pay fixation, MACP cases, ER sheets.
d) Action under FR 56j
e) Issue of Duty list of staff & officers.
f) Training matters of Staff and Officers.
g) All misc. establishment matters of staff including forwarding of application & applying for passport etc.
h) Other misc. work as given by US(Admn.I).

SO (Admn. I )
21 Shri Akhlesh Mann Assistant Section Officer

a) Preparation of Budget.
b) Audit replies and related coordination work.
c) Other misc. work as given by US(Admn.II)/HOO.

22 Sh. Sujit Kumar Das Assistant Section Officer/ Cashier

a) All work relating handling of cash including imprest.
b) Preparation of salary bill & other contingent bills.
c) Reconciliation with Pay &Account Office.
d) Income Tax calculations & issue of Form-16.
e) Quarterly returns to IT department including coordination
f) Other misc. work as given by US(Admn.II)/HOO.

DDO/ HOO& US (Admn. II )
23 Shri Akshay Kumar Assistant Section Officer

a) Assist in all matters pertaining to National Pension System and PFRDA.
b) All coordination work related to Parliament questions.
c) Any other work assigned by US(B).

24 Desk

a) Cabinet notes
b) All Coordination work including Parliament Questions.
c) Monthly DO letter to Cabinet Secretariat
d) Minutes of Weekly meeting
e) Annual Report
f) e-samiksha
g) Hindi(OL)/Misc

D ir (P)
25 Sh. Ruchir Mittal Deputy Secretary 24624802 (O)

1. Desk - A
2. Desk - B
3. Desk - D
4. Admn.II

JS (Pension)
26 Sh. Sanjay Wadhawan Deputy Secretary 24655523

2) Desk (D)

27 Sh. R.K. Dutta Under Secretary (Coord) 23350064

1) Supervision/Monitoring of grievances registered under CPENGRAMS.
2) Integrated Call and Grievance Centre
3) Minutes of Senior Officers' Meeting
4) Dak Dispatch
5) Coordination of Admin issues at Janpath Bhawan with LNB
6) Annual Reports
7) e-Samiksha
8) Coordination other than Parliamentary Affairs/Questions including LIMBS
9) All work of coordination Desk

Dir (PW)
28 Sh. T.S. Anil Assistant Section Officer

a) Arrangement of meetings and protocol.
b) Liaison with the officer/Department/Ministries for General Administrative matters
c) Sanction of Telephone Bills and related matters.
d) Purchased of Stationary & Distribution
e) Handling of Newspaper and magazines.
f) Payment of misc. bills relating to General administration.
g) Any other assigned by US (Admn.II)/HOO.

Sh. Rajesh Kumar
29 Sh. Namonarayan Meena Assistant Section Officer

a) E-procurement & purchased of petty items including computers, intercoms along with their AMC.
b) Care- taking work of office including furniture, disposal of old stocks, water arrangements, office modernization etc.
c) Liveries for MTS
d) Purchasing of rule books
e) Staff car matters including tender for hiring of vehicle and its finalization. Petrol & Servicing of official vehicle.
f) Sanction of Taxi bills
g) Printing work.
h) Any other misc. work assigned by US (Adm.II)/ HOO.

Sh. Rajesh Kumar
30 Sh. Ravi Prakash Meena Assistant Section Officer

a) CPENGRAMS pertaining to: VIP references pertaining to grievances and feedback; chasing of grievances with various Ministries Post-30 days; Analysis of feedback and quality of disposal by the stake-holders; chasing of grievances within the Department of different desks & its resolution, monitoring of grievances recd through email & preparation of monitoring sheet.
b) Any other work assigned by US (Coord).

Ms. Manmeet Kaur US (Coord)
31 Ms. Neelam Meena Assistant Section Officer

a) All work relating to maintenance of APAR of all the staff & officers of the Department.
b) All work relating to maintenance to establishment like maintenance of Service Book, E-service Book of employees, leave accounts.
c) Work relating to SPARROW/LOK PAL/Ayuklta.
d) Maintenance of leave/ Bio-metric attendance
e) Handling over notes of ll officers & Staff.
f) All wok relating to Establishment viz. filling up of posts, Immovable Property Return.
g) Vigilance matters
h) Updating of Probity portal
i)Monthly D.O. to DoPT.
j) All admin reports.
k) All matters relating to e-office.
l) Any other misc. work assigned by US(Adm.I)

32 Shri D.S. Prasad PS
33 Shri Sandip Ramteke PS
34 Shri Ajay PA
35 M s . Jyoti Steno Gr. D

a) Jeevan Pramaan

Dir (PW)

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